Light Beam Generator (LBG)
Light Beam Generator (LBG)
BRT - BioRegulation Therapy
The Powerful Light Beam Generator (LBG) has the ability to detoxify using a safe natural process. Restoring the natural lymph flow the LBG creates an environment where the body can carry out it’s disease fighting potential.
The Lymphatic system is responsible for carrying disease fighting materials to cells attacked by germs and by eliminating dead germs and toxins from the body. When the system becomes blocked or stagnant we become defenseless against attacks by viruses, fungi and bacteria. The LBG assists the body in restoring the free flowing lymph fluid by breaking up clumped protein bonds responsible for swelling and blockages.
The SCENAR technology is certified and regulated in
Europe, the U.S. and Canada as a permitted medical device.
“SCENAR” is an abbreviation for the name of the device:
“Self-Controlled Energy Neuro-Adaptive Regulator”
SCENAR or short-pulse electric neuro-adaptive reflexological therapeutic stimulator. SCENAR was developed by a team of some 40 Russian scientists, initially for cosmonauts in space for long periods. SCENAR therapy was developed as a means for promoting the body’s own healing process. The device has been widely used in Russian hospitals since the early 1980’s.
SCENAR is a highly effective, non-invasive means of pain relief and the removal of tension and stress in the body by using a small device, called a SCENAR, that reaches into the body’s cellular level. It is a modern pain relief and structural relief therapy, combining many of the benefits provided by other manual therapies. It also provides a means to correct structural problems not available to these other disciplines, in particular, the ability to re-set the autonomic nervous system and to re-position the head symmetrically on the axis.
Access to the cells directly allows the SCENAR to stimulate cellular activity that has degenerated (that is blocked, creating chronic pain such as in arthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica, etc.) and to relieve cellular activity that is inflamed, as is the case in acute pain situations.
What is Bioregulation Therapy?
Bioregulation Therapy (BRT) is a non-invasive, holistic approach to wellness, helping you fine-tune your body at the cellular level, which ultimately will help your body to heal and restore balance.
Every organ in the body has its own bio-electromagnetic field, and all single cells communicate via electromagnetic signals, or fields, at an overall rate of trillions of chemical reactions per second.
During a BRT session, a low intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) signals safely enable cells to maintain their natural signaling process by creating gentle electromagnetic field changes that may induce the body’s self healing process. By inducing the body’s own self-regulating process, BRT Therapy helps the body address imbalances, ultimately returning one to a natural state of wellness.
Far Infrared
Far Infrared TDP Technology
This wonder lamp is currently being researched to become a viable alternative therapy in treating soft tissue injuries and stress induced health issues. It’s being recommended for chronic inflammation, tissue degeneration and cell atrophy caused by tendonitis so those with knee pain could benefit significantly.
So what makes this far infrared lamp so special? Think of any light that’s beneficial to our body. The most being famous is sunlight. It’s well known that proper dosage of sunlight can increase the oxygen level in our cells, improve muscle strength and vitality. The TDP Lamp employs light therapy which is positive to our body.
How it works
•Rejuvenating Effect on the Cells
•Helps to remove Toxins from Cells
•Raises temperature In the Tissue
•Improvement In Lymphatic System
•Expansion In The Capillary Vessels, promoting better circulation
All content © Shelley L Bowles 2010
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Field (PEMF)
The death of invading type microorganisms cannot be demonstrated by In Vitro culture outside of the human body. The death of these invading microorganisms is dependent on In Vitro infection. The negative magnetic field strengthens the human cell’s response such that the cells can kill invading microorganisms. All invading microorganisms of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and others have all responded with death of the microorganism from sufficiently strong pulsed magnetic field of sufficient duration. There is no adaptation capacity of these microorganisms to a pulsed magnetic field.
LL Laser Therapy
What is LLLT?
LLLT stands for Low Level Laser Therapy. Treatments provide patients with a safe effective technology that utilizes the body’s own healing response. Lasers help relieve pain, increase joint mobility, increase tissue integrity and promote cell regeneration.
Lasers work by supplying the body with billions of photons of light. Your body absorbs this light on a cellular level, transforming it into chemical energy, which in turn the body uses to make repairs. Lasers have the ability to penetrate up to 4” into tissue, activating cellular pathways.